Plant extracts

Name Definition
LipoActive Arnica Soil soluble extract from arnica blossoms
LipoActive Calendulaoil soluble extract from calendula blossoms
LipoActive Carrotoil soluble extract, basis: soy bean oil
LipoActive Chamomileoil soluble extract from chamomile blossoms
LipoActive Chamomile Scompounded with not genetically modified soy bean
LipoActive Karitol 
LipoActive Triticumoil soluble extract from wheat bran
LipoActive Triticum MOoil soluble extract from wheat bran - with myritol
LipoActive VitaminolLecithin/Tocopherol oil with Vitamin F-Ester
PhytoVital Aloe Verawater soluble extract from aloe vera
PhytoVital Arnicawater soluble extract from arnica blossoms
PhytoVital Arnica Uwater soluble extract from arnica blossoms
PhytoVital Balmwater soluble extract from balm blossoms
PhytoVital Balm K-Uwater soluble extract from balm blossoms
PhytoVital Bamboowater soluble extract from bamboo
PhytoVital Bamboo Uwater soluble extract from bamboo
PhytoVital Birch Juicewater soluble juice from birch trees
PhytoVital Birch Juice concentrate 1:30water soluble syrup from birch bole
PhytoVital Birch Sap Uwater soluble juice from birch bole
PhytoVital Birchbark Uwater soluble extract from birchbark
PhytoVital Butcher"s Broomwater soluble extract from butcher"s broom
PhytoVital Butcher"s Broomwater soluble extract from butcher"s broom
PhytoVital Calendulawater soluble extract from calendula blossoms
PhytoVital Calendula Kwater soluble extract from calendula blossoms
PhytoVital Calendula K-Uwater soluble extract from calendula blossoms
PhytoVital Calendula Uwater soluble extract from calendula blossoms
PhytoVital Cat"s Clawwatersoluble extract from cat"s claw
PhytoVital Chamomilewater soluble extract from chamomile blossoms
PhytoVital Chamomile Uwater soluble extract from chamomile blossoms
PhytoVital Cucumberwater soluble extract from fresh cucumbers
PhytoVital Cucumber K-Uwater soluble extract from fresh cucumbers
PhytoVital Cucumberswater soluble extract from fresh cucumbers
PhytoVital Fenugreekwater soluble extract from fenugreek seeds
PhytoVital Fenugreek seeds K-Uwater soluble extract from fenugreek seeds
PhytoVital Fenugreek Uwater soluble extract from fenugreek seeds
PhytoVital Gingerwater soluble extract from ginger roots
PhytoVital Ginger K-Uwater soluble extract from ginger roots
PhytoVital Ginger Uwater soluble extract from ginger roots
PhytoVital Ginkgowater soluble extract from ginkgo blossoms
PhytoVital Ginkgo Uwater soluble extract from ginkgo blossoms
PhytoVital Ginsengwater soluble extract from ginseng roots
PhytoVital Ginseng Uwater soluble extract from ginseng root
PhytoVital Grapefruitwater soluble extract from grapefruit
PhytoVital Green Lemonwater soluble extract from lime
PhytoVital Green Lemon Uwater soluble extract from lemon fruits and peels
PhytoVital Green Teawater soluble extract from camelia sinensis
PhytoVital Guaranawater soluble extract from Guarana seeds
PhytoVital Guava Uwater soluble extract from guava fruits
PhytoVital Honeywater soluble extract from honey
PhytoVital Hop Uwater soluble extract from hops
PhytoVital Hopswater soluble extract from hops
PhytoVital Horse Chestnutwater soluble extract from horse chestnut
PhytoVital Horse Chestnut Uwater soluble extract from horse chestnut
PhytoVital Horsetailwater soluble extract from equisetum arvense
PhytoVital Ivywater soluble extract from hedera helix
PhytoVital Ivy Uwater soluble extract from hedera helix
PhytoVital Jasminewater soluble extract from jasmine blossoms
PhytoVital Jasmine Uwater soluble extract from jasmine blossoms
PhytoVital Jojobawater soluble extract from jojoba nuts
PhytoVital Jojoba Uwater soluble extract from jojoba nuts
PhytoVital Kiwiwater soluble extract from kiwi fruits
PhytoVital Kiwi Uwater soluble extract from Kiwi Fruits
PhytoVital Lady"s Mantlewater soluble extract from blossoms and bushes
PhytoVital Lady"s Mantle Uwater soluble extract from blossoms and bushes
PhytoVital Lavenderwater soluble extract from lavender blossoms
PhytoVital Lavender Uwater soluble extract from lavender blossoms
PhytoVital Lotuswater soluble extract from lotus blossoms
PhytoVital Lotus Uwater soluble extract from lotus blossoms
PhytoVital Mallow K-Uwater soluble extract from mallow blossoms
PhytoVital Mallow Uwater soluble extract of mallow blossoms
PhytoVital Mangowater soluble extract from mango fruits
PhytoVital Marinwater soluble extract from seaweed
PhytoVital Mate Teawater soluble extract from mate leafs
PhytoVital Muira Puamawater soluble extract from potency wood
PhytoVital Oakwater soluble extract from oak bark
PhytoVital Oak K-Uwater soluble extract from oak bark
PhytoVital Oak Uwater soluble extract from oak bark
PhytoVital Oatwater soluble extract from avena sativa
PhytoVital Olivewater soluble extract from olive leaves
PhytoVital Orangewater soluble extract from orange peel
PhytoVital Orchid Uwater soluble extract from orchid fruits
PhytoVital Pansywater soluble extract from blossoms and herbs
PhytoVital Pansy K-Uwater soluble extract from pansy
PhytoVital Papayawater soluble extract from fruits and blossoms
PhytoVital Papaya Uwater soluble extract from papaya
PhytoVital Peachwater soluble extract from peaches
PhytoVital Peatwater soluble extract from peat bog
PhytoVital Peppermintwater soluble extract from peppermint
PhytoVital Pineapplewater soluble extract from fresh pineapple
PhytoVital Pineapple Uwater soluble extract from fresh pineapple
PhytoVital Pomegranatewater soluble extract from paring of pomegranate
PhytoVital Red Cloverwater soluble extract from dried blossoms
PhytoVital Rooibos 
PhytoVital Rosemarywater soluble extract from rosemary blossoms
PhytoVital Rosemary Uwater soluble extract from rosemary blossoms
PhytoVital Sagewater soluble extract from sage
PhytoVital Sage K-Uwater soluble extract from sage
PhytoVital Sage Uwater soluble extract from sage
PhytoVital Soap Bark Treewater soluble extract from the bark of quillaia
PhytoVital Stinging Nettlewater soluble extract from stinging nettle cabbage
PhytoVital Stinging Nettle K-Uwater soluble extract from stinging nettle cabbage
PhytoVital Stinging Nettle Uwater soluble extract from stinging nettle cabbage
PhytoVital Wash Nutwater soluble extract from wash nutshell
PhytoVital Water Melonwater soluble extract from melon fruits
PhytoVital Water Melon Uwater soluble extract from melon fruits
PhytoVital Wheat Germwater soluble extract from wheat germs
PhytoVital White Teawater soluble extract from tea
PhytoVital Wild Rosewater soluble extract from rose hip fruits
PhytoVital Wine Leafwater soluble extract from leaves
PhytoVital Witch Hazelwater soluble extract from witch hazel blossoms
PhytoVital Witch Hazel extra clearwater soluble extract from witch hazel blossoms
PhytoVital Witch Hazel K-Uwater soluble extract from witch hazel blossoms
PhytoVital Witch Hazel Uwater soluble extract from witch hazel blossoms
PhytoVital Yarrowwater soluble extract from common yarrow
PhytoVital Yuccawater soluble extract from yucca
PhytoVital Yucca U 
PhytoVital-Applewater soluble extract from apple
PhytoVital-Grapewater soluble extract from grape
PhytoVital-Gruener Tee K-U 
PhytoVital-Gruener Tee U 
PhytoVital-Hafer U 
PhytoVital-Hamamelis extra hell U 
PhytoVital-Hibiskuswater soluble extract from hibiscus blossoms
PhytoVital-Horehoundwater soluble extract from Marrubium Vulgare
PhytoVital-Ilunawater soluble extract from Inula Helenium root
PhytoVital-Iriswater soluble extract from iris root
PhytoVital-Marin U 
PhytoVital-Mate U 
PhytoVital-Melisse kbA 
PhytoVital-Olive U 
PhytoVital-Panamarinde U 
PhytoVital-Pepperwater soluble extract from pepper
PhytoVital-Salbei K 
PhytoVital-Sea Buckthornwater soluble extract from sea buckthorn
PhytoVital-Senegawater soluble extract from senega root
PhytoVital-Waschnuss U 
PhytoVital-Weinlaub U 

H. Erhard Wagner GmbH | Auf dem Pasch 18 | D-28717 Bremen | Phone +49-421-69360-0 | Fax +49-421-69360-15